Monday, November 27, 2023



The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either...

Adolph von Lippe on Organon para #1
Had the physicians before him, and at his time, relieved and cured the sick, there would have been no necessity for a better, safer, and reliable Healing Art. The fact that suffering sick humanity had been, and still was, terribly suffering, not only from diseases, but additionally from the effects of the means used to drive out of the Organism an imaginary disease, causing and sustaining something -- today an acidity, tomorrow an alkalinity, an imaginary impurity -- this fact became patent to every observing physician. We learn that the fault was with the system-concocting physician, who imagined he was able to create a hypothesis upon the inner obscure process of life and the invisible origin of diseases in the invisible interior of the human economy, with his various attempts at explaining the phenomena of diseases, or their proximate cause ever hidden from human scrutiny. We find here three distinct propositions:—
1. The inner process of life is not known to us; it was, and will for ever remain, a hypothesis.
2. The origin of diseases in the invisible interior of the human economy is not known to us; it was, and will for ever remain, a hypothesis.
3. The phenomena of diseases, or their proximate cause (prima causa morbi), is not known to us; it was, and will for ever remain, a hypothesis.
The best proof of the unreliability of any one of these hypotheses, on which the fallacious and detrimental efforts to cure the sick were based, is the historical fact that every new generation offered a new hypothesis of life, and of the origin and the phenomena of diseases. That which to us never can be revealed, the interior processes of life in health and in sickness, became an ever-varying hypothesis; but the sick, treated to the delusive idle talk of men who desired to appear full of learning, were not only not benefited, but became victims to these varying hypotheses, guiding the physicians in their therapeutics and attempts to cure. Having stated, in explanation, these prevailing follies, the duty and the calling of the true physician became apparent. His calling, we are told, is to restore health to the sick.
[A von Lippe, The Organon, 1877, pp.21-21]

The above is an excerpt from one of our homeopathic mentors. It echoes Hahnemann's wisdom and true understanding of health and the restoration there of. Most humans prefer the manipulations and showmanship of modern razzmatazz. The world suffers consequence...

Four  years into one of the cruelest experiment ever unleashed on humanity, COVID 19 - many are learning a harsh and life altering reality. The shot was not "safe nor effective".

Many doctors who believed the "science" and took the shot now suffer consequence. They now bravely speak out. 

Yale has an un-yet published article that is under peer review. The article admits "vaccine syndrome", seems vaccine damage would imply causation - modern word games. Vaccine manufactures have immunity from lawsuits, this should have been humanities first clue.  Dr. Mobeen Syed reviews the article and adds his hard won experience.

Dr. John Cambell, a well seasoned doc from the UK reviews a host of info released by the W.H.O.  and C.D.C., as he is allowed to comment on - another clue. His reviews of autopsies post vaccine are particularly interesting, though galling. He explores "excess deaths", particularly in those 40 years and under post shot.

Reading the sad comments of those vaccine damaged on both these sites gives insight as to how deep this goes. Many are medical professionals that suffered damage.

 The FFA has lowered health standards for pilots, so many have heart issues now. They are also looking into having only 1 pilot, the shortage of able-bodied post vax. Doesn't make one feel so safe when sky bound.

The personnel discharged from the armed services for not taking the shot are now being sent letters to re-enlist. Healthy workers are and will be hard to find...  So much has health diminished post experimental shot. We still don't know the full force of this experiment and we are only 3 years into it. 

Many of us speaking out about this shot were called heretics for our voicing our concerns. Homeopaths have noted vaccine damage from the first small pox shot (1796). Vaccine damage is nothing new, but this jab brought damage to a new level. Jabs imprint a new disease state onto an individual. Will we ever learn?

A conversation with friends as this whole mess was first rolling out in 2020 had those leaning towards the shot wondering - why would they give the shot to those on the front lines in hospitals if it wasn't safe? I told them there was precedence, when the polio vaccine was first tested on doctors and nurses in a Los Angeles hospital. They came down with serious, vaccine induced illness. At least back then the creators of such damage took responsibility and compensated the doctors and nurses that could no longer work. This is no longer the case. Judy Mikovits's book "Plague" goes into way more detail about this than most want to know. It's your health, it's time to know how the sausage is made. 

In Europe the first of two lawsuits are being filed. As the vaccine manufactures have immunity, lawyers are using Consumer Protection laws to gain access to compensation of those suffering death and injury after the shot. These are against AstraZeneca, which Germany, Denmark and others pulled early into the experiment, as the damage they induced was so overwhelming. The formula Pfizer tested in the trials was not the same that was shot into arms. Such is the shell game of "emergency use". Word games at the expense of your health. Time will tell how this plays out. 

Both docs cover illness such as heart issues, clotting issues, stroke, nerve and mobility issues, cancers and reactivation of cancers and more. God only knows how little ones will be affected that were made to take the shot. There is a reason vaccine studies use to take 10 years. Many other docs are speaking out, witness to egregious vaccine injury. A local doc here lost her license to practice, for telling the truth. Sickening.

Homeopaths have long heard the tales of the vaccine injured. Those damaged are often shunned and made to feel insane by conventional medical means. Humans have learned a hard lesson this round - this whale is too big to hide. 

I have found the tissue salt Kali Mur 6x potency was valuable early on as the pandemic started. As lung tissue scarred to an almost glass like complex, this tissue salt helped to dissolve the fibrin and help people breath and heal, along with indicated remedies. This tissue salt is invaluable again, this time in dissolving fibrin in those plagued with clots post vaccination, along with constitutional treatment. Something for homeopaths to keep in mind. 

The industrial food complex, industrial pharma complex and industrial war complex are making tons of blood money via the most immense holocaust ever; many felt forced to sign up for this. One is left speechless at the madness humans perpetuate. No other being on earth squanders such resources killing each other. There should be no need to torture animals for experimentation, not with what was done in this vile experiment.

A colleague Dr. Hillary wrote and interesting explanation of how this mRNA technology works. Its roots sprouting mutilations Genetically Modified Foods evoked in undermining health. I can forward her works to those interested. Just shoot me an email and I will forward her presentation. 

The following blog "Enough" as well as the blog titled "Dedicated to those suffering from Vaccinosis" has more details that homeopaths encounter with vaccine damage, for those interested, it has links to earlier blogs that cover more info. Again, not easy reads, but as Hahnemann warned us Aude Sapere - Darn to be Wise...

Sunday, January 29, 2023


 My body, my choice - where was that conviction when the shot was being imposed on the public?

For the past 20 + years, my work as a homeopath has mostly been to unravel medically induced ills. Iatrogenic illness - that the public is forced to sign up for and pay huge monthly premiums for. These new drugs change how the body nourishes and detoxes, on a cellular level. Many now suffer malabsorption because of these drugs. The detox of those that are on heavy medication loads or have had many surgeries speaks volumes to me... Cvd 19, to me, on so many levels, is a massive drug reaction. Some bodies being so clogged and deranged, natural medicine will not act; these drugs modify the bodies natural process so deeply. 

GMO foods rung in a whole new level of illness and reproductive issues, this shot has brought induced illness to new heights. Not a vaccine, but a whole new technology.  Many struggle to make peace with the orchestrated chaos now known as "health care". Many have lost trust in a very broken system.  

The majority of folks I know did not take the shot. Of those that did, one truly believed she was doing the right thing, working the medical field. She believed the "science". She suffered a massive heart attack. Luckily family was close and did CPR till the medics came. She now lives with a defibrillator and pacemaker. A brave nurse attending to her spoke up and said she had never seen so much heart failure as in the wake of the shot. 

Another had a massive allergic reaction with the skin on her face. She, like many didn't want to take the shot, but was coerced and under duress to keep her job. And we thought the Nuremburg trials meant something? The Washington Post ran an article about the reaction, but urged those showing a blatant allergic reaction to keep getting the shot. The benefits outweigh the risks? I think not.

Of the few family and friends that took the shot, induced illness consisting of various paralysis, cancers, breast issues, heart issues, blood clots and a host of other left-sided ills occur. Gene's own doctor said "the tests are all inconclusive and we don't know what to do with these people".  Whatever the weak link in the body, this shot surely trips deep pathology - as many of us in holistic health have warned and now witness.

Forget about the elephant in the room, you can't hide a whale that big. Kern county had the lowest vaccination rate.  Kern county also has the lowest Covid rates - to this day. Speaks volumes.

When you take a spike protein and sucker punch the bodies wisdom by injection, you have the potential of creating something much worse than when playing God with the whole virus. Covid has a 99%+ survival rate, the world should not have been coerced to take an experimental therapy.

What we are now seeing is deplorable. Whether the bug gets you via natural process or the shedding of morphed spike proteins through the "vaccinated", a huge change in the bodies responses have been noted by those in health care and not for the better. THERE IS A REASON VACCINE TRIALS USE TO LAST 10 YEARS...NEVER FORGET THIS PEOPLE.

I am further dumbfounded by the medical establishment still pushing the shot, that they themselves show no faith in. Have a sore throat or sniffles? You get a tele-appointment, in person not so much. This screams no faith in the shot being pushed.

Yet the medical establishment calls for boosters, and chronic illness is spiking in the wake of this malicious experiment. The world in 5 years will be such a different place.

The Atlantic printed an article, "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty", that pleads amnesty for those that made life altering decisions imposed on the world. Fauci, Wolensky and others are the target of many lawsuits for the debacle they forced on the world. Fauci himself forgets when grilled during such trails. Why are such inept people heading such life and global altering decisions, when "I don't remember", is their only answer?  May they fall on the sword of their own greed. Lots of blood money was made at the expense of many. 

Sudden death is being noticed by many now. Facebook had the "Sudden Death"  page taken down several times. It was one of the few places thousands of distraught loved ones could vent their anguish. The page keeps coming back...freedom of speech - you can't hide this whale, thousands of many lives have been shredded.

Sudden death syndrome is not new. It used to be called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, it was noted in infants, the deaths occurring shortly after vax - no one listens - no one has suitable answers...yet families suffer. How much more in these days?

Some people truly believed they were following the science. Many brave souls in research have been vocal about the manipulation of stats in clinical studies - cherry picking volunteers, slanting results to suit pocket books. Look at the amount of defective devices the FDA approved on old flawed technology - and keeps approving new defective devices based on old flawed technology - and no one does anything, yet patients suffer. This is just one of many reasons a homeopath knows the client recovers twice, once from the drug/procedure, secondly the original insult to the body. There are only so many sucker punches the body can recover from...

Now, Homeopathy has now been declared illegal in the US as defined by the FDA. Hahnemann told us over 200 years ago that the allopath's will try to kill the art. Like the roots of the huge Oaks trees, Homeopathy has survived. We know how to make our medicines. You can't stop nature or energy. Too many have been seriously hurt with this malevolent experiment,  many patients can't get their meds - whatever the excuse is, trust has been seriously eroded in a system that put a huge dent in the able bodied workforce with their vile experiment. That's what happens when you inject a spike protein that alters the bodies wisdom way beyond the cellular level. You can't un-ring that bell.

Early on I didn't want to take on such cases. Remember the pox infested blankets given to Native Peoples, The Tuskegee Experiments, among others? It is one thing to unravel illness as nature doles out, it is another to try to restore health, when such maleficent drugs for profit are made mandatory and pushed under duress. When clients find the efficiency homeopathy offers and a sympathetic ear, many become too clingy and need to be informed to stand on their own too feet. I just don't have the amour for this anymore. I never wanted to be this busy, via such maleficence, it is hard to make peace with.

Not that long ago, the world was a place where as a young woman I could attend concerts, dances without the thought of being shot or having to take a shot to attend. I, like many, took for granted living a free life. I feel deep sorrow now, many generations have no reference point for what this freedom felt like. Humans have not been healthy for decades, we continue on a trajectory of chronic illness. Those pushing fatal dope equally responsible as those willing to take it. Hahnemann warned, you take away the symptom without addressing the mentals, you will have suppressed "dis-ease" to the mental and emotional sphere, creating a demented society. Chemical management is not working as lives are severely and inhumanely stressed in modern life. Yet for many, this is all they want - a bitter pill to keep the catatonic dance going. Dare to be wise - Hahnemann warned us. 

Humans have reached a tipping point - by their own design. There will be many cases where only so much can be reversed, the body has its limits and the cost of convenience grows us weaker. Young people in their prime should not be dropping dead of heart attacks and blood clots. 

I found the good fortune to live in a place where the grace of nature keeps showing me Her goodness every day. I will revel in that. I will celebrate that inheritance of wild abundance with honoring my body and land with time proven holistic means. I will listen to the wisdom all the creatures that bless Solandana with their charms and being. I will bow to the fortitude and strength of the wild beings. The freeze of winter, the searing heat of summer, will brand my soul with years lived well, in a land I love more than life. The mountain will sing Her Song I will dance with wild ponies in her bosom. I will write, practice art, commune with soil and fauna to better know true abundance of good food, correct movement and rest that are key to true, vibrant health. This keeps me going, I have long left the chaos humans mistake for "life".

Related reads on this serious subject:

What Everyone needs to know about Genetically Modified Organisms 


Dedicated to those suffering from Vaccinosis - This has links to other relevant blogs for those interested

Creating Cancer 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Creating Cancer - Creativity Killed by the Cancer Miasm

  For educational purpose only, consult with your health practitioner.

 Cancer – the word alone for us humans can impart a very terrified and gloomy outlook, but should that word be given such power?

This blog will examine the mental/emotional aspects that feed cancer. This angle of treating cancer is often neglected in conventional treatments (as is proper nutrition/lifestyle), treating the body as if it’s a machine (an aspect of the cancer miasm). Acknowledging this feature is hugely important to set the being free of this created stockade.

Most homeopaths recognize 5 main miasms (taints left over by diseases thought to be cured by modern means), though many more exist. They are Psora (itch – lack of reaction/Mother of all disease), Sycotic (Medorhium – excessive reaction), Syphilitic (Syphilis – destructive reaction), Tubercular (Changeable/restless reaction), all these miasms are thought by some homeopaths to converge into the cancer maism (creativity killed, the life unlived). The excessive and secretive ways of the sycotic miasm coupled the destructive aspects of the syphilitic miasms combine to exploit those who exhibit the servitude facets of the tubercular and cancer miasms. This is a very condensed version of concepts that have extensive ramifications and takes years to wrap ones’ tiny mind around.

Hahnemann became aware of miasms as an obstacle to cure refining his gift of homeopathy. To me, miasms seem a refinement from the Algonquin peoples concept of wetiko, a stain in the thought process, which takes on viral-like qualities, causing a being to forget its place among the “whole”, this lack of consideration manifests in action that mistakes harm for good.


*   *   *

As a base reference point, get lost in the wonder of the 30 trillion cells in the human body, orchestrating symbiosis, working in harmony, regulating proliferation, in co-operation with cells close by, digestion, immune system, lymph, blood and more keeping the body balanced, informed and functioning – the miracle of life we take for granted every moment, of everyday – till illness pauses our oblivion to the preciousness of life and its innate, orchestrated harmony.

Enter the corrupt signal, it is holographic, spanning generations, certain cells fail to heed the call for symbiosis of the whole, following instead, their own un-fulfilled scheme. They travel the body, escaping controls of tuned immune system. Metastasis, cellular chaos and possibly death ensues as cellular die off suffocates a clogged, stagnant, toxic and unexpressed system.

The seeds planted long ago, generations of over-anxious, over-bearing and over-protective parents/grandparents inflicting upon the child their strict and structured angst, seizing from the child the ability to adapt gracefully with naturally occurring change.

An un-natural conditioning occurs in the child, especially that of suppressing emotions/expression; ignoring feelings, responding in mechanized, detached mannerwithdrawing into feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, guilt – a feeling that what the little one is faced with is too daunting to undertake (often found in alcoholic/addictive dynamics), perfection implied as the highest standard, yet it is neither practical, reachable, nor is it sensible in our human foible form. Making peace with our human flaws and learning to love that aspect of self will go far in mitigating damage rather than ego facades, ignoring or denial.

Modern medical prophylactic means exploit this need to show “perfection” on a physical level, suppressive anti-biotics, steroids, vaccines, etc., hush the bodies’ response to internal conflict – don’t show a symptom, not a sniffle, cough, skin eruption, etc. Put on the brave face and pretend nothing is wrong. The problem is the body cannot lie, it goes deeper, stuffed. The implied standard of perfection, eludes, but is strived for just the same, at great expense to mind, body and soul. The body creates lumps, tumors, cancers to cope, it is a survival mechanism.

From the compensated states of withdrawal and an unrealistic image of “perfection”, one observes these beings slipping further and further into a state of “inability to self advocate”. A silent suffering that broods, a throat center so blocked, they often have nothing to say, even when enduring unbearable loads, teeth grinding is not uncommon – wearing away at the bodies stoutest tissue, clamped unable to say shit, even with a mouth full of it.

If this state isn’t/cannot be liberated the survival instinct morphs into the delusion of martyrdom, an illusion society and dogma often erroneously elevate to some sort of holy standard to endure. This state is greatly exploited by many in our self-centered world, creating an individual ripe for silenced abuse.

What we know as the Cancer Miasm in homeopathy is fed on so many levels, it will be a very difficult entity to “cure”, without addressing such subterranean concepts society uplifts. These deeply imbedded miasmic patterns of operation (wetiko) are so hidden, they seem “normal”. They cause harm to be mistaken for good.

This delusion of martyrdom and inability to express kills creativity, the very thing this glorious planet called us into existence for. This concept has huge ramifications as we will see. Cancer is the life unlived.

Homeopathy is the only modality to my knowledge, which studies disease history. It recognizes diseased states as one would know a person, each having personality, traits, ways of movement, and more. In homeopathy we know modern medicine has not healed certain diseases of the past, it merely changed their expression, from the physical manifestation to deeper mental and emotional signatures (this is why the rise in anti-depressant drugs and their suicidal side-effects).

For this reason, homeopaths understand named diseases of old have not been eradicated, and when they resurface (or are re-named), they do so with a vengeance, evading “cures” that were previously thought fool proof, because the miasmic taint was never addressed, lifted, reconciled. It was just told to shut up in a shell of alleviating symptoms at the expense of the mental and emotional well being – this is the definition of suppression by homeopathic standards.

Certain physical traits will also be a tell. When “proving” nosodes (a remedy made of diseased tissue) a picture develops of the disease characteristics, much like a person, themes, traits, expressions and more all part of the picture (patterns of disease expression). Everything discussed in these pages is but a mere wisp to all considered in the dynamic expression of any disease, so faceted and complex are the variations from being to being.

Detailed case taking allows the homeopath to explore the constitutional remedy of a being, and more importantly the driving miasm that the correct remedy, and possibly an intercurrent nosode remedy will resolve, an art many have spent a great deal of time, effort and means to master. It is nano-medicine, we are listening to very detailed individual manifestation/expression. The body is doing an amazing attempt to survive, liberating these “soul stuck states”, allows a being to thrive.

Killed Creativity and the Life Unlived

 I have been blessed with an odd ability to astutely observe wildlife areas in many places surrounding Los Angeles for decades (LA is rich in micro-climates, marshes, canyons, mountains, deserts). These places also have generations of wildlife that have been released after rehabbing, on occasion, visits from these little creatures give great pleasure as well as insights to the health of soil, flora and fauna. Just like our bodies, the environment cannot lie, one reflects the other.

At one time, vast expanses of marshland covered coastal regions of Southern California, from Ballona Creek down past Huntington Beach. These acted like a soothing buffer and filter for our varied landscape, beach, to marsh, to inland valleys, canyons, mountains and finally deserts. Now covered in concrete suburbia, the economy of the land has changed in the decades since I have lived here. Desert-like landscaping, now common in “drought friendly” gardens give the summer heat a convection-like oven feel. Such are the follies of “progress” when we don’t recall/honor the original blueprint.

The area where my horses are kept neighbors a reservoir. At one time, native grasses, herbs and shrubs grew. These provided a great deal of food for migratory creatures as well as the locals. Unknown at the time, it had a wonderful cooling effect when summer temperatures made the canyon sizzle, thanks to this lush growth.

In recent years, cities and public/private entities began to spray large areas with Roundup (glyphosate) so that later when fire season starts, weed abatement is not necessary. This has resulted in vast areas of “dead zones” as year after year, the glyphosate is sprayed, killing natures attempt at creation.

Interesting to note, if only used once, a very distinct growth pattern follows of healing plants that restore the land. Generally one sturdy plant, seen in a monochromatic way, grows in abundance, beginning to heal the land (much like after fires). Also of note – animals do not live on this land while the plants to do their healing, nor do they eat these plants or their seeds.

In years that follow, more plants join the healing process. The plants vary from micro- climate to micro-climate. It is a process only they know. Depending on the strength of the soil, it can take  4  to 6 years for seasonally varied, full foliage to return, as it  does, so does the animal life. Some organic farming practices have variations of this “crop rotation” to clear land sprayed with glyphosate, the crop is destroyed till tests show the land “cleared” of this poison. If the land is continually sprayed dead zones and super weeds emerge.

Glyphosate’s use causes plants to wither and dry, it is a desiccant (it is also used to “dry” certain food crops). In addition, this substance disrupts the soils ability to function as a living organism, killing off its “friendly bacteria” (likewise killing good gut bacteria). Glyphosate disables a beings’ cellular pathways to uptake minerals – soil, plants, animals and humans. Everything up the food chain, from the soil on, will equally be affected by malnutrition. As glyphosate kills good bacteria in the soil and inhibits uptake of needed minerals, it does so in the bodies that consume this poison, compounding damage as up the food chain it goes.

Its prevalent use in food production has been wreaking havoc – particularly livestock, forced to eat this tainted fodder. Many of us spending decades in the animal related industries have noted a flood of health issues, endocrine imbalances, digestive issues, kidney malfunction and much more; this was not seen prior to the introduction of GMO/glyphosate feeds. The dominos are now starting to fall for humans; we are up the food chain and health is failing fast.

The once wild area around the reservoir no longer supports the life it once could. The ground is dry, hard and dead. The atmosphere in the canyon changed, the once cool and damp haven, fed by seasonal watershed, turned extra dry with drought and the deadening effects of glyphosate. The atmosphere burns, it has the same feel as vast areas burned by wildfires, only difference, this one is chemically induced. One no longer sees the amount of wildlife I saw in my youth.

Animals suffer, initially the ground dwellers. Mice, gophers, lizards no longer gestate nor lay eggs normally (when livestock was first fed GMO feeds, attending veterinarians noted reproduction abnormalities), if the babes do make it full term, they lacked the ability to nurse/eat and are abandoned by their mothers.

While many may think it’s great that both weeds and vermin get wiped out, year after year of spraying, the predators up the food chain die off as well. We are up the food chain and suffering the same fate, whether we have the where-with-all to admit it is another matter altogether. Human hubris does not alleviate us from consequence, what we do to the web, we do to ourselves.

These babes are abandoned in places I wander, to see, to record, so hopefully my kind wakes. I write, so such experiences come to light. While many will label such recordings as “negative”, my hope is to inspire a visceral fortitude and stop feeding this wide spread and mistaken for normal cancer miasm. Humans so selectively suppress that which should be made known, especially where creatures are concerned. We have developed our mechanized and justifiable hubris at the expense of future generations and possibly the planet. Its time to recalibrate back into the balanced knowing of creation and destruction of this planet, by recognizing our wetiko/miasmic ways, Nature is always more than willing to show us, if we listen on a level we are not comfortable with.

Glyphosate has been proven highly toxic. It is the partner to genetically modified organisms (GMO’s), food grown under such “created means of laboratory perfection” has repercussions that are unfolding in generations since its inception. The results are a devastating cascade of ill health – kidney failure, cancers, endocrine issues and more. These were first noted by many of us working with animals years ago, now, this created holocaust, affects human health. No need to wonder why the only “business” left in America is block after block of medical buildings and hospitals. For those with eyes open, it makes terrifying yet perfect sense.

This GMO/glyphosate combo is found in commonly eaten foods, wheat, soy, corn, alfalfa, cotton, sugar beets, canola and more. These are main ingredients in most processed foods eaten. High fructose corn syrup (GMO) is in most foods (even pet foods). This GMO’d, highly addictive, cheap energy additive adds an extra spark to feeding cancer. Cancer loves sugar – sugar is one of the most addictive substances on earth and one of the toughest for people to take off the menu, so addicting is its allure. We have no idea the depths to which addiction lurks.

A host of agricultural chemicals and other modern chemical wonders are xeno-estrogens (estrogen mimicking compounds). Coupled with Bovine growth hormone, in dairy that is non-organic, and you have induced, accelerated hormonal chaos – including spurring the growth of cancers. In another blog we will go into more detail on this abused hormone.

While many applaud modern agricultural means as a savior to an ever growing human populace, the truth is this hoaxed miracle is an epic disaster in disguise. School children are being indoctrinated with the wonders of chemical manipulations of the food supply. In countries with massive populations, more ancient ways of farming the land feeds the populace well, without the chemically/genetically induced ills this country is seeing. These countries have done so for eons. The land has not failed us. There is enough for everyone’s needs. Tons of food are plowed under or dumped daily for a host of price manipulative reasons. Selective greed starves our kin.

In his book “Homeopathy for Farm and Garden” Viakunthanath Das Kaviraj describes fruits and vegetables grown by chemical farming means as “obese”. In other words, the fruit/vegetables are large; pleasing to the eye, yet lack vital nutrients found in organically grown produce. He notes how this is reflected in the bodies that consume such lovely, yet lacking in depth fodder. The same can be seen in horses, most owners are not happy unless the animals show a bit of fat. Inflammation would be a more apt description, and it is mistaken for brawn, from an individual level all the way through to politics; this topic to be explored in depth in another blog as well, for now dwell on how our eyes have been conditioned to false fortitude and how this refracts from the micro to the macro.

Bought government safeguards failed to stop skewed research regarding GMO’s/glyphosate and much like cancer cells eluding the immune systems response, the poison willfully slipped into the food supply. Calls for labeling go unheeded, and laws like TTP (and soon to be TTIP), which the people get no vote on, pass giving Monsanto, the parent company of Agent Orange and this monopolized poisoned food free rein to infect the world, while a chemically sauced public argues over which terrifying and inadequate political puppet will take over; quite a world our miasmic/wetiko ways manifest..

The cruelest irony of all – seeing families stricken by cancer spraying glyphosate all over their yards, we just don’t get it. It most certainly has a feel of a holocaust most are more than willing to sign up for, time to wake from this addicted, catatonic dance, in hopes of owning our power with more grace.

 Back to Balance

If one were to list all modern endocrine disruptors and toxins, we would be left in further overwhelm. The same overwhelm that trips the cancer miasm into shut down. For the sake of consideration, we have a toxic food supply, Fukushima is still spewing, Electro Magnetic Fields, Microwave towers (cellphones/wifi – these items cross the blood/brain barrier like our most addictive drugs), tainted water, atmospheric pollutants, toxic medications that do nothing to address deficiencies, work place stress and economic stress, the list goes on and on. Instead of getting bogged down by our material/egotistic needs, let’s conclude by resting in the miracle we started with.

Thirty Trillion of your cells are working in harmony to keep you alive, every second, of everyday – with out fail. While you sleep, while you eat, while you cry, while you laugh, while you heal, while you love, do spend a great deal of time on that last one – things we love – yourself should top the list, not narcissism, rather self-respect that includes limiting poisons ingested (mind and body).

When I had my bout with cancer in 2005, it came on the heels of my brothers’ death. If I could put my finger on one thing that was really troubling me at the time was/is human ability to take for granted and destroy life. Open land, wild creatures, domestic creatures and ourselves.

I once rode many a troubled steed for clients. I quickly deduced the steed was never the problem, the human was. A horse learns instantly when conditions are right, there is no need to weigh/burden their spine with endless drilling. This means no human hubris. I could see I was putting many a steed in harms way by teaching them such lightness, while their humans chose the lazy comfort of embedded, harsh (though they never saw themselves as such) conditioning, preferring to blaming this or that, rather than re-educating/liberating wetiko/miasmic ways.

I also knew this dead and harsh place most people treat themselves and their creatures from, is the root of many beings painful body issues. I had long suspected we should not be doing with horses what we do, nor “living” as we do. A noble beast, years ago sealed this lesson for me. The deeper I got into learning various forms of body and energy work, homeopathy – the brighter this truth shown.

This beast told me on day one his owners would kill him. I along with an extensive team was hired to do all we could to save him. After our first session the trainer raved “he never traveled so well!” Despite my warnings of his tissue healing, the grinding tyrant of ego bore on, in a short while he was killed for insurance money. A conversation followed with the owner I hope to never have to repeat. She put on a darn good show, and that’s all it was.


Communion from this horse still burns in my ears when certain cases take a turn for human hubris. That day freed me to put more weight into insights from the creatures than their humans. Most humans are not in a place where they can hear what needs to be said. We are too wetiko, too miasmic, too unwilling to address the very core issues we should, our own shadows, make peace with them, own them and you mitigate the damage. Deny them and they swallow you whole and all you touch.

I promised his soul, I would never pretend to be doing “good” (in the eyes of human conditioning) while not honoring a beings true plight. Some people love me for this, others shy away. Either way, it opens a pathway for richer and less miasmic/wetiko communication. I thrive for this.

Being true to myself and those I serve (who often don’t have a voice most can hear), is the most healing thing I can do, for me and for all beings in my hologram. This leads to the life one needs to live, releasing you from the life others expect for their own devices. A gift all beings should have a right to, one many humans don’t want.

Wild creatures exude this “trueness”. The raccoons, my Piskies endowed this to me. Wild creatures that are releasable have an unparalleled vital force and fire. There is a point where they need to go back to the wild. No hard feelings, it’s just the life they need to live. The role of intercessor complete, their calling beckons, and they have no angst heeding it. They are such wonder to bask in, so complete, so knowing, so free of chicken shit fear humans compensate from.

Those non-releasable retain a child-like dependence. Their fire is not quite as complete. With the increasing toxin load and urbanization, their vital force is not what it use to be. They are weaker, the glyphosate run-off and wind blown GMO have left their mark. Nothing is what it was. The invisible, civilized cage of life unlived permeates, wetiko manifested.

Most all the re-habbed wild creatures that have been non-releasable die of some sort of cancer, despite clean, organic diets and imitating wild tendencies. Can anything be more exemplifying of the life unlived – no matter how enticing it’s packaged?

This is why I told the Piskies the best I could offer them was a piss poor imitation of a life they decided they had not the fortitude for, that fateful day when Shreky climbed my old dog Murphy and I – something they were never allowed to do. I raised them to be “wild”, not pets. The attempt at release, on the  4th day – I checked in on them, they clearly told me how compromised their thwarted start was and we were to partner. I am still awestruck with the education they left me to unravel.

Wild creatures, when given a choice will always choose non-GMO feed. I try to get the cleanest, organic food sources possible and am lucky enough to grow a good deal of my own food and healing herbs. I am sure this gave these two precious babies more life than they would have had without. Something to heed, so many youngsters (creature and human) are fed modified foods at great consequence. One sees younger and younger beings suffering diseases once belonging to aged beings and most don’t put the pieces of the puzzle together, it certainly does have the feel of a holocaust many are so addicted to and afraid to wake from.

Diet is key to health. Modern foods are loaded with addictive chemicals (including potent, genetically modified sweeteners/neurotoxins) many people have not the ability to walk away from. These foods may seem necessary to humans competing in a mechanized world. Stop fooling yourself. We are flesh and blood, spirit and soul; we need a deeper nourishing this planet provides.

Many diets exist that have very positive effects on cancers, Macrobiotic, Gerson, Metabolic Typing diet to name a few. Old turn of the century homeopathic doctors (whose wisdom passed down in old books I adore) noted increases of cancers with industrialization, stress, vaccines, meat consumption and other factors. In these stressed economic times and population increases, these factors come into play more than ever. The more plant based the diet, the less stress on already sedate and stressed organs that modern life tender. Animals raised for consumption live horrific, confined, pumped with hormones, vaccines and meds to make it slaughter weight lives, does one really need to consume such misery? At such consequence?

I think it prudent to take into consideration a persons constitutional remedy, its food likes and aversions to best suit the individual. There is no one size fits all diet. We are too diverse and some people cause grave harm to their bodies with fanaticized diets. We do this to our animal friends as well. Well intentioned perhaps, short sighted of a beings evolutionary means, often.

The Magical knowing of children cut early on, generational disconnects. So young, so labeled and doped. The addiction has been given a medical green light and start. Addict them early to prescribed meds with chemical signatures similar to the most narcotic street drugs, to hate, their own bodies, their own brothers and sisters. Divide and condition to institutionalized droned perfection.

These babes yearn to re-wild. To play in the dirt, to eat wild edible herbs, to photosynthesize with the sun, to touch sacred stones, to hear the hawk cry, to feel a horse’s velvety nose, to move their bodies, no matter how old they are. Reconnecting with the land that sustains us is more healing than we know, as is basking in the glow of the sun and the vitamin D it imparts ( so crucial to immune function); time to root fully in the beauty of this sustaining universe.

The hate of self, the disconnect, becomes stuffed, cancerous, the part deemed “not good enough”, the part left unexpressed, unlived. Hahnemann knew the more these growths are cut, without addressing deeper miasmic tendencies that fuels the growths, the more turbulent the growths reaction to the silencing. Those stricken with cancer often cave into doctors ultimatums and fears of family members (unable to self advocate). Disregarding their own inner knowing to live their life unlived.

So many try “alternatives” after the vital force has been drained by harsh surgeries, caustic medications (that destroy the alimentary canal – the very ability to feed oneself), radiation etc.; coming to original healing methods in a last ditch effort to heal. Not realizing the layers of compensating violation and lassitude that now need lifting – if there is still vital force left to heal. Too many times, there is not, heartbreaking to witness.

For myself, I chose not to go to doctors, I wanted no drama of testing or the dynamics humans spin around such “illness”. I found my strength in creatures that came to me for healing and experienced recovery, without the caustic ways conventional means deem necessary. For creatures that did pass, it came later, with greater quality of life. Either way, this choice I wanted for myself. This was not denial; it was a very reflective period of holographic cases, self tendencies and whole lot more. It was a coming into myself that my raccoons, my Piskies, gave me the where with all to claim full force. Our weaknesses owned and liberated gave us more life than we could have alone. Lena always reminded me of this.

Certain specifics will not be listed. People make selective lists and miss the most important thing I wish you take from this. Specifics, diets, herbs are an outward support to a very deep, personal and evoking journey. Homeopathy does something amazing to liberate that freedom, homeostasis within. Every aspect of disease listed in any of my writings is just a wisp to all experience and not recorded. The archives are vast, filled with aches and triumphs too deep to divulge.

In animals that have “cured” their cancers, the relative ease they journey this process with has always left me in awe. They don’t mourn the patterns of illness that got them to the state the way a human will. They seem elated to be free of the set ethereal stockade. A human mourns this part; it seems easier for humans to face a physical death than to have an ideal die, such is the weight of our ego, hubris, megalomania. I wanted for myself what the creatures have given me so freely, so often.

I don’t mean for it to sound like I am picking on humans (though many will take it so), but our very megalomania keeps us in our addicted, wetiko, miasmic ways. We hear the term so often “we are better than that” and no doubt, we can be, yet in healing we need to be met where we are, not where we think we are (that is delusion, a very addictive and destructive thought pattern – so prevalent and condoned in our times), nor where we want to be – for that we don’t yet have the skills. We can exceed our limits only when we own them, our shadows, our glories, free from the encumbrance of ancestral, familial, and societies planned or prophesized expectations.  This is not hubris, it’s owning both ends of the spectrum well and with grace, it’s empowering, it is homeostasis.

The past few years have offered a host of personal great die offs, decades old partnerships of certain clients that have passed, aging family members whose careers end and all that entire dynamic brings with it and many dear lifelong animal friends also transitioned back to spirit. This past May, I had quite a healing crisis, given the gravity of the past 4 years, I was surprised it took so long. After this “illness”, I find myself operating wholly differently. Many things have been taken off my list of what can and cannot be consumed – food, business, obligations and more. I have been liberated to do what needs to be done in this phase of my life.

Some ring out with their “why don’t you get a flu shot”? They miss the whole point, such clearings, especially after heavy grief (affecting lungs) needs to be purged, to clean out old dross and breathe a being into new life patterns. Ancients knew this about childhood diseases, we have forgotten. This gift is given, as the body deems necessary, like the wild seeds that come to heal the land and us – only the body knows. Honor it, these are the purgings that clear so much of the stuffed, clogged and toxic ways we think “normal”, it blossoms the immune system to do its part in keeping you alive and thrived.

This past Feb. 3 my raccoon Shreky passed, the same day my mom passed some 30 + years prior. He survived nearly 2 years after Lena’s passing. These were my babes. My joy, the Piskie Chateau was my fun zone to balance a life work that is getting pretty ludicrous given the “killing of creation” times we are in.

Homeopathy spares one so much medical grief; from our first day together, all the fun in between and finally, at end of their lives, it gave gentle release to their souls. Not euthanasia, just an ease of transition to lives very skillfully, enjoyably and zealously played. I was doula at both ends of their lives – my God what a weighty gift my little bears left me with.

Their Chateau, the garden, our haven still lingers with their feisty, joyful essence. Despite my best efforts to converge our “civilized” and “wild” ways, cancer claimed them both. The life unlived, what was denied? Full term with their real mother? Something not yet known? Or was this the best that could be? We each have are own answer, each is right and each is wrong, such are our human limitations. In the hologram of life, perfection found its moment, trust life; my little bears always knew this.

We don’t need to change the world; even compromised, the Piskies had quite an education to impart. Change wetiko to work with ourselves, not fight ourselves. We don’t need to fight cancer, that’s just a lucrative show. Our bodies are doing an incredible job to keep us going despite incredible odds. Most enduring this disease have given too much of themselves, the last thing they need is to suffer a feeling of falling short to a fight that seems larger than life, because it can be.

Does it kill? Absolutely, as do we – killed creation, that unlived. We are bombarded every day with tragic consequence of all the miasms converging. The kill lines that can’t stop, in slaughter houses, wars, shootings labeled whatever fits the medias propaganda, animal shelters and despite the mass killed creation, still more life comes. No one ever seems to ruminate this (so blind we are) – and our solution is ironically, more killing. Ancients once spoke of rivers teeming with life, skies filled with birds, plains filled with large beasts; there is enough for everyone’s need, just not everyone’s greed. Quite a circle we have made, quite the experiment we are living.

I have changed and streamlined the amount and types of cases I take on anymore. There is great power in just saying “no”. Some only want you in their lives to feed their imbalances, some for whatever reasons, fear deeper healing and the inner soul journey that requires, either way, I am freed to work with those who give autonomy to all my knowing.

I spend copious amounts of time in nature and with creatures, to better hear the whispers of Her healing minerals, plants, creatures and the symbiosis of it. This is the education that keeps me going, human hubris and their calls for culling leave me desolate, I can’t feed that beast anymore, not with the die offs I have seen of late. The land can regenerate and do amazing things, when the right care givers have stewardship. WE don’t OWN land, it should own us.

Those embracing these back to root basics see a wonderful unfolding of Mother Earth gifts. These are shared with neighbors, communities, bartering a way back to economic viability, from land, to self, all the way up to local communities. This is what awakened souls that own both ends of the spectrum can, will and are doing. It is something ancients knew all along, many have been waiting for. This has the ability to restore all the beaurocratic malarkey we are bombarded and yoked with. A dying of corporate owned tyrants that choke humanity with their slick packaged poisons. Disconnect, denial and silence will never mend this ailing cancer miasm, only a deep love and respect of life, self, our planet and the holographic universe that connects us all. Own it and thrive it!


  Last year (2014) produced some very concentrated tinctures and salves, given the drought California has been in. I didn’t water the garden much, didn’t plant as much, just let nature do her thing (let the land rest), the reward was a harvest not as bountiful as other years, but what was given produced intense goodness. The healing salves came out particularly divine this past autumn, a richness not yet experienced.

 Though rains are no where near normal, the ground has erupted with a bounty of herbs not seen in a while. I missed seeing my old friends! One cannot help but awake from winters doldrums as these green eager sprouts burst from their droughts sleep with healing goodness for all.

Lena, my raccoon baby girl, was always the first to initiate spring cleanse. Eating tasty greens, short fasts, such a bright girl she was. Her physical presence is certainly missed, her spirit still expressive as ever.

 Spring is the optimal time to cleanse the liver, an organ very stressed in modern times with many toxins. Anger is harbored in the liver. Clearing the liver lightens the bodies’ burdens, makes for efficient digestion and optimizes un-provoked, clear thinking. A body clouded with toxins equates to murky rumination in the mind and body.


 Years ago, I took a herbology class. We were given herbs to try (not knowing which herb they were). The object of the exercise was to put a bit of the herb in your mouth and tune into your body to see if you could “feel” which organ systems the herb addressed. To our surprise, most of us were able to identify the body organ/system the herb an affinity for. It was a very validating tool and a neat way to start a class.

 Many creatures know how to sense the energetic signature of healing plants and clays in more subtle ways. Nature is the ultimate educator.

 Winter rains combine with decaying organic matter to enrich the soil and bring about a bountiful spring harvest. One does not need chemicals to induce bounty. This world has long known how to care for Herself, our contriving cannot improve the abundance this beautiful Mother of ours bestows.

 Fruits, vegetables and herbs relish the warming weather and sunshine, bringing their vitality to us. I love my garden this time of year, well, truth is; I love my garden all year!

 Many are returning to growing their own gardens, reconnecting with the soil, atmosphere, seasons and planet. The bounty of earth does not cease, it may rest, wait for those stewarding the land to rekindle its love affair with the sacred ground we walk, but She does not fail us.

 Sharing the harvest with neighbors, nourishes not only bodies and families, but fosters a significant act of tribe/community. The environment shapes us, when we honor the ground our feet grace; we treat ourselves, each other and the planet with honor.

 So many plants grow well, even in times of drought.

 Artichokes love the Southern California climate and quickly divide into what I like to call a small artichoke forest. Very cleansing and healing to the liver, an organ that filters many toxins from our bodies. When boiling artichokes up, I save the “tea” and mix it with my horses’ bran mashes so they too benefit, as well as cook up a portion of my dogs’ food with it. Nothing goes to waste in this house!

 Milk thistle, a relative to the artichoke, also grows abundantly. This herb is very healing to the liver and for anyone whose liver is working overtime due to indulgence or toxins, should be a consideration.

 Beets easy to grow, purify the blood aiding the entire body. Grating them raw into a slaw with red and green cabbage provides beautiful color and just the right amount of sweetness. If boiling them, the remaining tea can also be added to horses’ mash for added benefits.

 A variety of herbs (weeds to some) grow where needed. While some consider them “invasives”, many know healing plants find residence where an ailing body needs it. Many also deeply condition and heal the soil. Nature is so much wiser than we are; “weeds” are no more invasive than we humans, like cures like.

 Leaving an area wild or a “reparian buffer” invites native fauna which in turn provide a bounty for soil organisms, various bugs, bees and butterflies. All the creatures know where such havens exit. They see so much more than we do.

 This burst of herbal goodness seemed timely as Belle, the new addition to the herd is cleansing and toning in her recuperation. Her case will be explored in much more depth, but after a series of remedies (some which address endocrine issues) she eagerly chowed- down herbs like Lambs Quarters, Shepherds Purse (great uterine tonic – helps tone/ regulate cycles), Malva (very healing for the throat and thyroid – esp with Fukushima still spewing) and so many more.

 I find it interesting that both horses tend to seek out different herbs, as their bodies and constitutions dictate. I learn so much from them!

 Delicious combinations of the earth’s bounty speak to me as I prepare them for meal time. One can sense the energetic signature of what the body needs. This is the original and best form of self-medication. So much food is grown depleted of vital nutrients and modern food production techniques like GMO’s and glyphosate (Round-up) greatly disrupt the soil/bodies ability to absorb nutrition. You cannot heal deficiencies with chemicals, the body does not lie.

 Chia seed known to the Aztecs and Mayans as the “corps reviver” can be made into a gel by adding boiling water, let it soak for a bit, then sip to nourish depleted beings. Adding a tablespoon of seed to 1 cup boiling water, lemon and raw organic honey to taste can be a gentle way to cleanse the liver. Chia seed also eases stress the pancreas endures with modern life, bringing balance to bodies with blood sugar issues.

 Various healing clays aid in removing heavy metals and other toxins from the body. These include calcium bentonite and zeolite. Some of these clays occur naturally at the bottom of stream beds or in cliff walls. In the wild, different animal species travel many miles to ingest clays that remove toxins found in plants that animals eat. We have places in local canyons where many creatures stop to take a few licks of these healing gifts that well up from our fault lines in California’s ever changing landscape.

 Zeolite is negatively charged, this makes it very effective in removing positively charged particles of heavy metals from the body. I have found it very useful when combined with well selected homeopathic remedies in resolving digestive issues that many beings now suffer from. Many, I feel, are induced by genetically engineered feeds which include but are not limited to wheat, soy, corn, cottonseed, alfalfa, beet pulp and the counterpart glyphosate.

 There is also a super heated form of this clay that is more potent than the clay form. Some have found this to be effective in resolving vaccine damage (along with the appropriate homeopathic remedy). However, this form of zeolite should not be used by those with kidney issues or those on specific medications. Natural does not mean benign.

 Many homeopathic remedies are effective in aiding the spring cleanse. Homeopathic clay has an affinity for moving stuck states, in the mind as well as the body. It works deeply on the lymphatic system as well. Many liver remedies can be used in drainage potencies to aid the body as well. The Bach Flower Essence Crab Apple also clears the body of toxins and can clear spaces as well.

 The list goes on and on, moderation is always prudent. A body suffering a heavy toxin load will experience a type of healing crisis if it has not been honored by periodic cleansing care. Once the body is use to such care, it will often spontaneously “ask” for a cleanse – skipping a meal, or just focusing on cleansing drinks like lemon and water, juicing, soups and such. These don’t work for everyone, the body is unique and when working consultations, homeopathic constitutionals of the body are considered as well. These include cravings, foods aversions and more, always considering the whole picture.

 There can be much to consider in chronic cases, but a simple start with some seasonal flavor and support can do much to strengthen digestion, clear the skin and ease the soul to enhanced living. Be gentle to yourself, it does the body good.






  Cover the weakness, hide the stain; modern bane whose roots are seeped in ancient hardwiring of beings in the natural world, so as not to become food for the predators. It is survival.

The most difficult thing for  people to comprehend about natural health modalities is  rooting out the core of the expression of “dis-ease” is a completely different journey than simply taking a symptom away and suppressing the expression of disease,  as modern man knows “cure” to be.

Most people have been conditioned to view an alleviation of symptoms as “cure”. This causes many people to erroneously employ natural healing in the same concept as allopathic healing. In other words, they read or hear about an herb or remedy, think it applies to them or their horse and start taking it, not knowing fully well the complex relations of body systems, seasonal cycles within the body and the intricate relations most natural methods emphasize on the mental and emotional spheres of healing. Other considerations to be given are minimum dose, as in homeopathy – the least amount of “medicine” that initiates cure, direction of cure – how the body chooses to release soul-conflict insults, miasmic influence and much more.

Often times, what should not be done brings with it the most powerful of lessons. Natural healing is not exempt. Natural is not benign. In re-connecting with ancient healing wisdom, less is best, something our excessive, over the top modern culture needs reconciliation with.

A common example of this fear based, excessive measure is feeding garlic to equines for pest control. There have been times walking down barn isles, when one gets an overwhelming whiff of the smell of garlic. These popular feed supplements may be used by well intended guardians. These folks often will complain how their horses’ wreak of garlic and yet the poor beast is still pestered by flies.

Prolonged use of garlic in horses, dogs and cats will result in a certain type of anemia as their bodies cannot handle sustained consumption of the herb. Also, if the being tends to run “hot” this warming herb will not be a welcomed addition to the body. As pests tend to sprout in warmer weather, a very uncomfortable situation is endured by the horse.

Parasites are a sign of waning vital force and as such, should be taken into consideration of the whole picture, not just an issue to address. Studies in Africa have noted an increase in parasites in primates as “civilization” encroaches. Researchers noted the primates’ intake of vermifuge plants increase as human populations spread. This is very telling to our condensed way of life and its consequences.


Most involved in natural health have been honing their art for years. It is wisdom assimilated over decades, generations; it is very often taken for granted.

In cases where one is given the time, courtesy and details to extensively work a case the turn around can be nothing short of amazing. With the correct energetic components in place (body balance work and homeopathy) I have found that it takes relatively simple combinations of herbs or super foods, specific to the beings constitution and condition to make all the difference. Complex formulas don’t seem to be necessary in my experience; they often seem to overwhelm the delicate and deficient beings one works with these days, causing excessive healing crisis.

In other cases of advanced age, chronic disease and entrenched, corrupting genetic weaknesses (miasms), it becomes a very fine tuned dance to keep acute flare ups in check and boosting the life force of the individual with the appropriate constitutional remedy and nourishment. This may also be the case where there is a maintaining cause to illness such as poor quality food sources, tainted GMO/glyphosate feeds, life style or addictive (many horses are drugged) choices can play roles here as well.

The correct remedy will always cause a disturbance (healing crisis) to the body, initiating healing, clearing toxins and awaken the body’s innate ability to heal itself. This is the signal for the body to start cleaning house from a cellular level outward though to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual spheres. If the correct minimum dose was selected, it can appear to be a bit flu-like or a need to rest more.

In some cases where beings are burdened by excessive toxins, or when folks not keen to sensitivities take too much of a good thing,  the purge can quite severe, representing as vomiting, diarrhea, severe flu-like symptoms and rashes (this can occur with certain types of body and energy work as well). These are signs the body is detoxing too rapidly. Reducing the detox schedule (whether using remedies/herbs/clays/diet) over a longer period will bring about desired results without added stress to already taxed and depleted bodies. It is time we learned to be gentle with ourselves – it will benefit all life around us. Most conditions have taken years/generations to get where we are, they will take time to resolve.

As one gets to the root core of issues in homeopathy, the skin will often express some sort of rash or other expression of clearing. To a homeopath, this is a huge and wonderful sign that healing is close to completion. Unfortunately, in a society bent on facades – it is a point where the completion of healing can and sometimes will be lost to the “hiding of weaknesses” many are plagued with.

Cleanses and fasting will aid healing greatly. For those in a place where they can accept the toxicity the food chain/planet now holds, they will find that eliminating many foods/drinks now tainted, such as gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and more – will result in release from conditions such as asthma, eczema, digestive issues and others. One bite of the offending substance will bring back an immediate body reaction to beings ready to accept ownership of their health. A clean diet results in a purer spirit. The ancients long ago took up fasting before soul testing ventures. Sound practices never go out of style.

To further explore the example of parasites and cleansing and to shed some insights on “natural” substances gaining popularity, a deeper wisdom of diatomaceous earth will be examined.

This substance has been gaining popularity as a natural way to keep pests, external and internal at bay. Food grade diatomaceous earth should be the only kind used for this purpose. Used externally for external pests it can be very useful to rid pests while the body builds its vital force to repel pests.

If used internally, some vital information should be known, before introducing to the body. Many taut diatomaceous earth as a wonder to rid bodies of internal parasites. In the horse world we have been taught to regularly worm our horses.

This substance is a fossilized diatom, the shell of which is covered in microscopic barbs, these barbs shred the exoskeleton of parasites and they die. This is how diatomaceous earth works. It is also high in silica, something greatly missing in modern diets of all beings and very necessary for nutrient assimilation and structural integrity. This is another reason for its popularity.

Those that propose using diatomaceous earth internally mention the ability of the diatoms to “scrub” the intestinal tract clear of toxins, parasites and such.

With the advent of GMO’s and glyphosate used in feeds prepared for horses, their intestinal tracts are already under massive assault from the corrosive effects of this feed. In decades past one never heard of the amount of horses undergoing so many invasive procedures to save them from displacements, ulcers, and more. Given the “scrubbing” effect the diatomaceous earth imparts and the huge role proper gut flora and function contribute to the immune system, there are much more healing ways to bolster the vital force so it can keep from succumbing to parasites.

Another factor for consideration is studies done with diatomaceous earth used internally for parasites have been done on livestock bound for slaughter. This is very important to keep in mind as these creatures live very short lives. The long term effect is not known – does your horse really need that?

Lastly, many that promote the use of diatomaceous earth recommend its use everyday. A vital force that needs such a boost every day to keep pests away is not thriving. While such regimes many be necessary to keep a being comfy towards the end of its life, it should raise concern if something is needed everyday for maintenance.


* * *

By the time most seek original healing methods, chronic conditions have been suppressed sometimes for years/generations, it will take time to gently and respectfully clear the layers so the being can adapt to new life patterns, releasing the being from “dis-ease”, breathing a new way of “being”. This is a key step to natural healing that many do not want to understand and why means of suppressing illness have appeal. We are a society that easily hands our power away, and often, feel less burdened for it.

The immune system is in place to protect one from illness. In days gone by, it was recognized by those in the healing arts that childhood illness and fevers clear the dross, liberates the mind and initiate the immune system to recognize that which must be cleansed from the body. Some folks proudly mention they have never been “sick”, yet they suffer chronic digestive, mobility or emotional issues. To deny the body its right to express soul conflict the way it was designed to sets the stage for chronic lifelong dependence and illness.

When the immune system is constantly told to suppress and not express that which produces dis-ease via immunizations, steroids, histamines or antibiotics, it isn’t long before the body crops up issues as cancers or autoimmune diseases. In short, we leave the immune system “no choice”, but to attack itself. Old turn of the century homeopathic docs knew this, as humans forget age old wisdom, a new normal emerges that lacks substance and common decency to natures’ knowing.

Natural means seek to support the body as it passes through the stages of fevers or other illness. There is no need to wage “war” on any disease or any precious body. The body is doing a phenomenal job keeping us going, despite lacking diet, too much stress and many other toxic, modern life norms; if illness is viewed in this light, with respect, kindness and love towards the body, a much more liberated and profound healing will occur.

Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of Homeopathy) warned not to be so arrogant as to think one should know the “cause” of disease (that generally lies between Soul and Maker), modern research greatly exploits this truth. The man was way ahead of his time; the more research, the more money to be made. There are no big bucks in “health” only in managing chronic “disease”. Self realization is the gift energetic healing brings and liberates the individual from “dis-ease”; self-actualization unlocks deep healing potential in all soil, fauna and bodies, to accomplish soul desire. That is health, all is interconnected.

Suppression occurs when physical symptoms get better, but the mental spheres worsen. This sign shows the disease process has been pushed deeper into the body. This is why when a well meaning person gives a substance that is said to help with a rash, but aggression follows, suppression has occurred. This is also the case when eczema has been “cured” via conventional drugs, asthma follows. The dis-ease pushed into deeper tissue. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the skin is known as the third lung, correlations abound to those that know to read the signs, the body never lies.

Suppression is the norm with conventional medications and will also occur in the misuse of natural products. Centuries of suppressing disease is why anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds are as popular as is self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. This may very well be the most dangerous form of suppressing, as mental health declines and horrendous, unbelievable crimes rise. There will be change, or cease to exist, it is a law of the natural world. Why are side-effects of “suicide” listed on anti-depression drugs? The dis-ease was pushed deeper, in its despair, the organism ceased; a living, desperate testimony to an un-reconciled truth, the body cannot lie. Both the wound and the bliss need acknowledgement, only then can balance be found.

The correct homeopathic remedy will cause a disturbance or an aggravation. This is a sign the remedy is working and starting the healing process. .

Here is where a good intention can go awry in the hands of less experienced folks. The law of minimum dose in homeopathy looks to give the smallest dose of healing energy to initiate healing in the individual. Most folks not keen to the subtle ways of energy will not be able to tell an aggravation from suppression. Some may give an excess of remedy resulting in a proving, causing that, which one wanted to be cured of. Humans have long lost the ability to honor and read subtle energy, though slowly we are reconnecting to the gift.

To give clarity here and complete the above examples of parasites, the correct constitutional remedy is often all it takes to clear parasites in many beings. There are stubborn cases where specific remedies for particular parasites will be needed. Many healing plants expel parasites and boost the vital force to keep parasites away, completing the healing. Some like pomegranate and pumpkin seeds (which horses love) are abundant as summer gives way to autumn and the active cycle of most parasites comes to a close. Nature always supplies the need. There are so many more examples, this just barely touches on a very intricate web

.The lack of wisdom in following laws of cure may cause some confusion whether there is suppression or aggravation and some folks may continue to dose out of fear, muddying up the healing process and confusing the Vital Force of the individual. This is especially true when working with deep acting remedies. Some will take several months to complete their action in the body; one is not to interfere with the action of such remedies till their effect upon the being is complete. People unaware of this can completely throw the course of cure off track, due to lack of patience and inexperience.

In the hands of those with lesser experience a certain remedy with a reputation with quick resolution to sudden, violent onset may be mis-used to get a horse through fearful bouts. While the rider may be happy with the fact that they can “ride” the horse, they will miss need signs the horse needs to expresssay perhaps damage done to the skull/spine because of false training techniques most have been taught to accept as safe to the horse.

We know much damage occurs to these sensitive areas and without addressing such trauma with deep acting remedies and correct development and healing of such important structures as the skull and spine, a very lackluster result will ensue.

This will often be the case where one can read massive imbalances in the body (shows in muscle structure and flares on the hooves and more) and someone reads about a remedy that address “pain” they feel the horse expressing. Without correct balance of the feet (barefoot gives the best expression of the imbalances) and preferably work at liberty where the horse is free to reclaim its right to uncompensated motion, suppression is occurring as the rider is simply swapping a remedy or herb to cover shortcomings in their knowing and skill to properly bring a horse a long.

For some, peace of mind comes with combining allopathic and natural methods. It is important that people have peace of mind in their decisions and trust in their choices, whatever they maybe. Addressing such a case differently as the choice of the client may go in contrast to the way the body is deciding to release the illness. One may only be able to support peripherally in such a situation. And in some cases it may be inevitable but to suppress, say in the case where GMO feeds are causing recurring digestive issues and the being may not have access to less tainted feed (often the case in horses/livestock).

A frequently seen issue is the fact that beings are born deficient and depleted. Certain illness surge via modern suppressive methods coupled with tainted GMO/glyphosate feeds, this combination fuels a host of disease processes.

An all too common err some folks make out of desperate fear is dumping everything they read about in their horses diet to “heal” them. This is especially true with cancers. The biggest dis-service with such well intended but mis-guided action produces is the body will be so easily overwhelmed with all that has been introduced. Many of the substances given will not synergize well, some will disrupt gut function – something to be avoided when you want the immune system to function optimally.

In such cases, as tumors break down and release toxins, the body will experience a healing crisis. This must be cared for with consideration and takes time, as many of us that have healed our own cancers know first hand. Life is very precious, and must be tenderly cared for when in such states, do not come from a place of fear. This will teach profound insights to the bodies’ ability to withstand all that assaults it.

In view of such profound, personal journeys, I urge people to give newly adopted creatures (especially if they are young and organs are developing) the cleanest possible diet, economically feasible. The more processed the feed, the more the Vital Force will surely suffer. The life span of most pets is quickly declining as the tainted feed destabilizes generations of pets and livestock. It is not uncommon to see small pets dying at age 5 or 6 of organ failure that eludes both conventional and alternative means. So deficient is the Vital Force, so tainted is the feed. Welcome to the world we created, it is time to wake up and minimize the damage.

Change or cease, humanity has opened Pandora’s Box for the so called sake of convenience, not owning fully well the responsibility the selling of the soul that occurred in our lives, lives in the planet and that of the planet Herself. The denial, equals the delusion, is the disease. A profound wound has been opened in generations of beings.

Natural forms of healing are arts that will often be over looked, under estimated and sorely taken for granted as by the time the remedy is fully active, the being is so engulfed in their life, they forget that which initiated the well being. Modern society is numb to subtle messages of healing and many feel they must “hide” or “cover up” such signals to perpetuate the façade of “everything is ok”. The body never lies; imbalances will always find a way to “speak” in hope of correction and reconciliation. Listen.

Honoring the healing process of the individual (whatever their choices and consequences are), as the individual is ready to release their “dis-ease”, empowers the being to stand on their own to two feet (self-realization) and complete their life purpose (self-actualization). I am still amazed at the bodies’ ability to bounce back and morph to a new level of handling toxins; it is a gift not to be taken for granted. The universe is benevolent that way, miracles come to those who need, who has the right to stop that? It is a process that leaves me in awe.



  The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either... Ado...