Friday, September 23, 2022


  Cover the weakness, hide the stain; modern bane whose roots are seeped in ancient hardwiring of beings in the natural world, so as not to become food for the predators. It is survival.

The most difficult thing for  people to comprehend about natural health modalities is  rooting out the core of the expression of “dis-ease” is a completely different journey than simply taking a symptom away and suppressing the expression of disease,  as modern man knows “cure” to be.

Most people have been conditioned to view an alleviation of symptoms as “cure”. This causes many people to erroneously employ natural healing in the same concept as allopathic healing. In other words, they read or hear about an herb or remedy, think it applies to them or their horse and start taking it, not knowing fully well the complex relations of body systems, seasonal cycles within the body and the intricate relations most natural methods emphasize on the mental and emotional spheres of healing. Other considerations to be given are minimum dose, as in homeopathy – the least amount of “medicine” that initiates cure, direction of cure – how the body chooses to release soul-conflict insults, miasmic influence and much more.

Often times, what should not be done brings with it the most powerful of lessons. Natural healing is not exempt. Natural is not benign. In re-connecting with ancient healing wisdom, less is best, something our excessive, over the top modern culture needs reconciliation with.

A common example of this fear based, excessive measure is feeding garlic to equines for pest control. There have been times walking down barn isles, when one gets an overwhelming whiff of the smell of garlic. These popular feed supplements may be used by well intended guardians. These folks often will complain how their horses’ wreak of garlic and yet the poor beast is still pestered by flies.

Prolonged use of garlic in horses, dogs and cats will result in a certain type of anemia as their bodies cannot handle sustained consumption of the herb. Also, if the being tends to run “hot” this warming herb will not be a welcomed addition to the body. As pests tend to sprout in warmer weather, a very uncomfortable situation is endured by the horse.

Parasites are a sign of waning vital force and as such, should be taken into consideration of the whole picture, not just an issue to address. Studies in Africa have noted an increase in parasites in primates as “civilization” encroaches. Researchers noted the primates’ intake of vermifuge plants increase as human populations spread. This is very telling to our condensed way of life and its consequences.


Most involved in natural health have been honing their art for years. It is wisdom assimilated over decades, generations; it is very often taken for granted.

In cases where one is given the time, courtesy and details to extensively work a case the turn around can be nothing short of amazing. With the correct energetic components in place (body balance work and homeopathy) I have found that it takes relatively simple combinations of herbs or super foods, specific to the beings constitution and condition to make all the difference. Complex formulas don’t seem to be necessary in my experience; they often seem to overwhelm the delicate and deficient beings one works with these days, causing excessive healing crisis.

In other cases of advanced age, chronic disease and entrenched, corrupting genetic weaknesses (miasms), it becomes a very fine tuned dance to keep acute flare ups in check and boosting the life force of the individual with the appropriate constitutional remedy and nourishment. This may also be the case where there is a maintaining cause to illness such as poor quality food sources, tainted GMO/glyphosate feeds, life style or addictive (many horses are drugged) choices can play roles here as well.

The correct remedy will always cause a disturbance (healing crisis) to the body, initiating healing, clearing toxins and awaken the body’s innate ability to heal itself. This is the signal for the body to start cleaning house from a cellular level outward though to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual spheres. If the correct minimum dose was selected, it can appear to be a bit flu-like or a need to rest more.

In some cases where beings are burdened by excessive toxins, or when folks not keen to sensitivities take too much of a good thing,  the purge can quite severe, representing as vomiting, diarrhea, severe flu-like symptoms and rashes (this can occur with certain types of body and energy work as well). These are signs the body is detoxing too rapidly. Reducing the detox schedule (whether using remedies/herbs/clays/diet) over a longer period will bring about desired results without added stress to already taxed and depleted bodies. It is time we learned to be gentle with ourselves – it will benefit all life around us. Most conditions have taken years/generations to get where we are, they will take time to resolve.

As one gets to the root core of issues in homeopathy, the skin will often express some sort of rash or other expression of clearing. To a homeopath, this is a huge and wonderful sign that healing is close to completion. Unfortunately, in a society bent on facades – it is a point where the completion of healing can and sometimes will be lost to the “hiding of weaknesses” many are plagued with.

Cleanses and fasting will aid healing greatly. For those in a place where they can accept the toxicity the food chain/planet now holds, they will find that eliminating many foods/drinks now tainted, such as gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and more – will result in release from conditions such as asthma, eczema, digestive issues and others. One bite of the offending substance will bring back an immediate body reaction to beings ready to accept ownership of their health. A clean diet results in a purer spirit. The ancients long ago took up fasting before soul testing ventures. Sound practices never go out of style.

To further explore the example of parasites and cleansing and to shed some insights on “natural” substances gaining popularity, a deeper wisdom of diatomaceous earth will be examined.

This substance has been gaining popularity as a natural way to keep pests, external and internal at bay. Food grade diatomaceous earth should be the only kind used for this purpose. Used externally for external pests it can be very useful to rid pests while the body builds its vital force to repel pests.

If used internally, some vital information should be known, before introducing to the body. Many taut diatomaceous earth as a wonder to rid bodies of internal parasites. In the horse world we have been taught to regularly worm our horses.

This substance is a fossilized diatom, the shell of which is covered in microscopic barbs, these barbs shred the exoskeleton of parasites and they die. This is how diatomaceous earth works. It is also high in silica, something greatly missing in modern diets of all beings and very necessary for nutrient assimilation and structural integrity. This is another reason for its popularity.

Those that propose using diatomaceous earth internally mention the ability of the diatoms to “scrub” the intestinal tract clear of toxins, parasites and such.

With the advent of GMO’s and glyphosate used in feeds prepared for horses, their intestinal tracts are already under massive assault from the corrosive effects of this feed. In decades past one never heard of the amount of horses undergoing so many invasive procedures to save them from displacements, ulcers, and more. Given the “scrubbing” effect the diatomaceous earth imparts and the huge role proper gut flora and function contribute to the immune system, there are much more healing ways to bolster the vital force so it can keep from succumbing to parasites.

Another factor for consideration is studies done with diatomaceous earth used internally for parasites have been done on livestock bound for slaughter. This is very important to keep in mind as these creatures live very short lives. The long term effect is not known – does your horse really need that?

Lastly, many that promote the use of diatomaceous earth recommend its use everyday. A vital force that needs such a boost every day to keep pests away is not thriving. While such regimes many be necessary to keep a being comfy towards the end of its life, it should raise concern if something is needed everyday for maintenance.


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By the time most seek original healing methods, chronic conditions have been suppressed sometimes for years/generations, it will take time to gently and respectfully clear the layers so the being can adapt to new life patterns, releasing the being from “dis-ease”, breathing a new way of “being”. This is a key step to natural healing that many do not want to understand and why means of suppressing illness have appeal. We are a society that easily hands our power away, and often, feel less burdened for it.

The immune system is in place to protect one from illness. In days gone by, it was recognized by those in the healing arts that childhood illness and fevers clear the dross, liberates the mind and initiate the immune system to recognize that which must be cleansed from the body. Some folks proudly mention they have never been “sick”, yet they suffer chronic digestive, mobility or emotional issues. To deny the body its right to express soul conflict the way it was designed to sets the stage for chronic lifelong dependence and illness.

When the immune system is constantly told to suppress and not express that which produces dis-ease via immunizations, steroids, histamines or antibiotics, it isn’t long before the body crops up issues as cancers or autoimmune diseases. In short, we leave the immune system “no choice”, but to attack itself. Old turn of the century homeopathic docs knew this, as humans forget age old wisdom, a new normal emerges that lacks substance and common decency to natures’ knowing.

Natural means seek to support the body as it passes through the stages of fevers or other illness. There is no need to wage “war” on any disease or any precious body. The body is doing a phenomenal job keeping us going, despite lacking diet, too much stress and many other toxic, modern life norms; if illness is viewed in this light, with respect, kindness and love towards the body, a much more liberated and profound healing will occur.

Samuel Hahnemann (the founder of Homeopathy) warned not to be so arrogant as to think one should know the “cause” of disease (that generally lies between Soul and Maker), modern research greatly exploits this truth. The man was way ahead of his time; the more research, the more money to be made. There are no big bucks in “health” only in managing chronic “disease”. Self realization is the gift energetic healing brings and liberates the individual from “dis-ease”; self-actualization unlocks deep healing potential in all soil, fauna and bodies, to accomplish soul desire. That is health, all is interconnected.

Suppression occurs when physical symptoms get better, but the mental spheres worsen. This sign shows the disease process has been pushed deeper into the body. This is why when a well meaning person gives a substance that is said to help with a rash, but aggression follows, suppression has occurred. This is also the case when eczema has been “cured” via conventional drugs, asthma follows. The dis-ease pushed into deeper tissue. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the skin is known as the third lung, correlations abound to those that know to read the signs, the body never lies.

Suppression is the norm with conventional medications and will also occur in the misuse of natural products. Centuries of suppressing disease is why anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds are as popular as is self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. This may very well be the most dangerous form of suppressing, as mental health declines and horrendous, unbelievable crimes rise. There will be change, or cease to exist, it is a law of the natural world. Why are side-effects of “suicide” listed on anti-depression drugs? The dis-ease was pushed deeper, in its despair, the organism ceased; a living, desperate testimony to an un-reconciled truth, the body cannot lie. Both the wound and the bliss need acknowledgement, only then can balance be found.

The correct homeopathic remedy will cause a disturbance or an aggravation. This is a sign the remedy is working and starting the healing process. .

Here is where a good intention can go awry in the hands of less experienced folks. The law of minimum dose in homeopathy looks to give the smallest dose of healing energy to initiate healing in the individual. Most folks not keen to the subtle ways of energy will not be able to tell an aggravation from suppression. Some may give an excess of remedy resulting in a proving, causing that, which one wanted to be cured of. Humans have long lost the ability to honor and read subtle energy, though slowly we are reconnecting to the gift.

To give clarity here and complete the above examples of parasites, the correct constitutional remedy is often all it takes to clear parasites in many beings. There are stubborn cases where specific remedies for particular parasites will be needed. Many healing plants expel parasites and boost the vital force to keep parasites away, completing the healing. Some like pomegranate and pumpkin seeds (which horses love) are abundant as summer gives way to autumn and the active cycle of most parasites comes to a close. Nature always supplies the need. There are so many more examples, this just barely touches on a very intricate web

.The lack of wisdom in following laws of cure may cause some confusion whether there is suppression or aggravation and some folks may continue to dose out of fear, muddying up the healing process and confusing the Vital Force of the individual. This is especially true when working with deep acting remedies. Some will take several months to complete their action in the body; one is not to interfere with the action of such remedies till their effect upon the being is complete. People unaware of this can completely throw the course of cure off track, due to lack of patience and inexperience.

In the hands of those with lesser experience a certain remedy with a reputation with quick resolution to sudden, violent onset may be mis-used to get a horse through fearful bouts. While the rider may be happy with the fact that they can “ride” the horse, they will miss need signs the horse needs to expresssay perhaps damage done to the skull/spine because of false training techniques most have been taught to accept as safe to the horse.

We know much damage occurs to these sensitive areas and without addressing such trauma with deep acting remedies and correct development and healing of such important structures as the skull and spine, a very lackluster result will ensue.

This will often be the case where one can read massive imbalances in the body (shows in muscle structure and flares on the hooves and more) and someone reads about a remedy that address “pain” they feel the horse expressing. Without correct balance of the feet (barefoot gives the best expression of the imbalances) and preferably work at liberty where the horse is free to reclaim its right to uncompensated motion, suppression is occurring as the rider is simply swapping a remedy or herb to cover shortcomings in their knowing and skill to properly bring a horse a long.

For some, peace of mind comes with combining allopathic and natural methods. It is important that people have peace of mind in their decisions and trust in their choices, whatever they maybe. Addressing such a case differently as the choice of the client may go in contrast to the way the body is deciding to release the illness. One may only be able to support peripherally in such a situation. And in some cases it may be inevitable but to suppress, say in the case where GMO feeds are causing recurring digestive issues and the being may not have access to less tainted feed (often the case in horses/livestock).

A frequently seen issue is the fact that beings are born deficient and depleted. Certain illness surge via modern suppressive methods coupled with tainted GMO/glyphosate feeds, this combination fuels a host of disease processes.

An all too common err some folks make out of desperate fear is dumping everything they read about in their horses diet to “heal” them. This is especially true with cancers. The biggest dis-service with such well intended but mis-guided action produces is the body will be so easily overwhelmed with all that has been introduced. Many of the substances given will not synergize well, some will disrupt gut function – something to be avoided when you want the immune system to function optimally.

In such cases, as tumors break down and release toxins, the body will experience a healing crisis. This must be cared for with consideration and takes time, as many of us that have healed our own cancers know first hand. Life is very precious, and must be tenderly cared for when in such states, do not come from a place of fear. This will teach profound insights to the bodies’ ability to withstand all that assaults it.

In view of such profound, personal journeys, I urge people to give newly adopted creatures (especially if they are young and organs are developing) the cleanest possible diet, economically feasible. The more processed the feed, the more the Vital Force will surely suffer. The life span of most pets is quickly declining as the tainted feed destabilizes generations of pets and livestock. It is not uncommon to see small pets dying at age 5 or 6 of organ failure that eludes both conventional and alternative means. So deficient is the Vital Force, so tainted is the feed. Welcome to the world we created, it is time to wake up and minimize the damage.

Change or cease, humanity has opened Pandora’s Box for the so called sake of convenience, not owning fully well the responsibility the selling of the soul that occurred in our lives, lives in the planet and that of the planet Herself. The denial, equals the delusion, is the disease. A profound wound has been opened in generations of beings.

Natural forms of healing are arts that will often be over looked, under estimated and sorely taken for granted as by the time the remedy is fully active, the being is so engulfed in their life, they forget that which initiated the well being. Modern society is numb to subtle messages of healing and many feel they must “hide” or “cover up” such signals to perpetuate the façade of “everything is ok”. The body never lies; imbalances will always find a way to “speak” in hope of correction and reconciliation. Listen.

Honoring the healing process of the individual (whatever their choices and consequences are), as the individual is ready to release their “dis-ease”, empowers the being to stand on their own to two feet (self-realization) and complete their life purpose (self-actualization). I am still amazed at the bodies’ ability to bounce back and morph to a new level of handling toxins; it is a gift not to be taken for granted. The universe is benevolent that way, miracles come to those who need, who has the right to stop that? It is a process that leaves me in awe.


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