Sunday, January 29, 2023


 My body, my choice - where was that conviction when the shot was being imposed on the public?

For the past 20 + years, my work as a homeopath has mostly been to unravel medically induced ills. Iatrogenic illness - that the public is forced to sign up for and pay huge monthly premiums for. These new drugs change how the body nourishes and detoxes, on a cellular level. Many now suffer malabsorption because of these drugs. The detox of those that are on heavy medication loads or have had many surgeries speaks volumes to me... Cvd 19, to me, on so many levels, is a massive drug reaction. Some bodies being so clogged and deranged, natural medicine will not act; these drugs modify the bodies natural process so deeply. 

GMO foods rung in a whole new level of illness and reproductive issues, this shot has brought induced illness to new heights. Not a vaccine, but a whole new technology.  Many struggle to make peace with the orchestrated chaos now known as "health care". Many have lost trust in a very broken system.  

The majority of folks I know did not take the shot. Of those that did, one truly believed she was doing the right thing, working the medical field. She believed the "science". She suffered a massive heart attack. Luckily family was close and did CPR till the medics came. She now lives with a defibrillator and pacemaker. A brave nurse attending to her spoke up and said she had never seen so much heart failure as in the wake of the shot. 

Another had a massive allergic reaction with the skin on her face. She, like many didn't want to take the shot, but was coerced and under duress to keep her job. And we thought the Nuremburg trials meant something? The Washington Post ran an article about the reaction, but urged those showing a blatant allergic reaction to keep getting the shot. The benefits outweigh the risks? I think not.

Of the few family and friends that took the shot, induced illness consisting of various paralysis, cancers, breast issues, heart issues, blood clots and a host of other left-sided ills occur. Gene's own doctor said "the tests are all inconclusive and we don't know what to do with these people".  Whatever the weak link in the body, this shot surely trips deep pathology - as many of us in holistic health have warned and now witness.

Forget about the elephant in the room, you can't hide a whale that big. Kern county had the lowest vaccination rate.  Kern county also has the lowest Covid rates - to this day. Speaks volumes.

When you take a spike protein and sucker punch the bodies wisdom by injection, you have the potential of creating something much worse than when playing God with the whole virus. Covid has a 99%+ survival rate, the world should not have been coerced to take an experimental therapy.

What we are now seeing is deplorable. Whether the bug gets you via natural process or the shedding of morphed spike proteins through the "vaccinated", a huge change in the bodies responses have been noted by those in health care and not for the better. THERE IS A REASON VACCINE TRIALS USE TO LAST 10 YEARS...NEVER FORGET THIS PEOPLE.

I am further dumbfounded by the medical establishment still pushing the shot, that they themselves show no faith in. Have a sore throat or sniffles? You get a tele-appointment, in person not so much. This screams no faith in the shot being pushed.

Yet the medical establishment calls for boosters, and chronic illness is spiking in the wake of this malicious experiment. The world in 5 years will be such a different place.

The Atlantic printed an article, "Let's Declare a Pandemic Amnesty", that pleads amnesty for those that made life altering decisions imposed on the world. Fauci, Wolensky and others are the target of many lawsuits for the debacle they forced on the world. Fauci himself forgets when grilled during such trails. Why are such inept people heading such life and global altering decisions, when "I don't remember", is their only answer?  May they fall on the sword of their own greed. Lots of blood money was made at the expense of many. 

Sudden death is being noticed by many now. Facebook had the "Sudden Death"  page taken down several times. It was one of the few places thousands of distraught loved ones could vent their anguish. The page keeps coming back...freedom of speech - you can't hide this whale, thousands of many lives have been shredded.

Sudden death syndrome is not new. It used to be called Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, it was noted in infants, the deaths occurring shortly after vax - no one listens - no one has suitable answers...yet families suffer. How much more in these days?

Some people truly believed they were following the science. Many brave souls in research have been vocal about the manipulation of stats in clinical studies - cherry picking volunteers, slanting results to suit pocket books. Look at the amount of defective devices the FDA approved on old flawed technology - and keeps approving new defective devices based on old flawed technology - and no one does anything, yet patients suffer. This is just one of many reasons a homeopath knows the client recovers twice, once from the drug/procedure, secondly the original insult to the body. There are only so many sucker punches the body can recover from...

Now, Homeopathy has now been declared illegal in the US as defined by the FDA. Hahnemann told us over 200 years ago that the allopath's will try to kill the art. Like the roots of the huge Oaks trees, Homeopathy has survived. We know how to make our medicines. You can't stop nature or energy. Too many have been seriously hurt with this malevolent experiment,  many patients can't get their meds - whatever the excuse is, trust has been seriously eroded in a system that put a huge dent in the able bodied workforce with their vile experiment. That's what happens when you inject a spike protein that alters the bodies wisdom way beyond the cellular level. You can't un-ring that bell.

Early on I didn't want to take on such cases. Remember the pox infested blankets given to Native Peoples, The Tuskegee Experiments, among others? It is one thing to unravel illness as nature doles out, it is another to try to restore health, when such maleficent drugs for profit are made mandatory and pushed under duress. When clients find the efficiency homeopathy offers and a sympathetic ear, many become too clingy and need to be informed to stand on their own too feet. I just don't have the amour for this anymore. I never wanted to be this busy, via such maleficence, it is hard to make peace with.

Not that long ago, the world was a place where as a young woman I could attend concerts, dances without the thought of being shot or having to take a shot to attend. I, like many, took for granted living a free life. I feel deep sorrow now, many generations have no reference point for what this freedom felt like. Humans have not been healthy for decades, we continue on a trajectory of chronic illness. Those pushing fatal dope equally responsible as those willing to take it. Hahnemann warned, you take away the symptom without addressing the mentals, you will have suppressed "dis-ease" to the mental and emotional sphere, creating a demented society. Chemical management is not working as lives are severely and inhumanely stressed in modern life. Yet for many, this is all they want - a bitter pill to keep the catatonic dance going. Dare to be wise - Hahnemann warned us. 

Humans have reached a tipping point - by their own design. There will be many cases where only so much can be reversed, the body has its limits and the cost of convenience grows us weaker. Young people in their prime should not be dropping dead of heart attacks and blood clots. 

I found the good fortune to live in a place where the grace of nature keeps showing me Her goodness every day. I will revel in that. I will celebrate that inheritance of wild abundance with honoring my body and land with time proven holistic means. I will listen to the wisdom all the creatures that bless Solandana with their charms and being. I will bow to the fortitude and strength of the wild beings. The freeze of winter, the searing heat of summer, will brand my soul with years lived well, in a land I love more than life. The mountain will sing Her Song I will dance with wild ponies in her bosom. I will write, practice art, commune with soil and fauna to better know true abundance of good food, correct movement and rest that are key to true, vibrant health. This keeps me going, I have long left the chaos humans mistake for "life".

Related reads on this serious subject:

What Everyone needs to know about Genetically Modified Organisms 


Dedicated to those suffering from Vaccinosis - This has links to other relevant blogs for those interested

Creating Cancer 


  The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either... Ado...