Monday, November 27, 2023



The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either...

Adolph von Lippe on Organon para #1
Had the physicians before him, and at his time, relieved and cured the sick, there would have been no necessity for a better, safer, and reliable Healing Art. The fact that suffering sick humanity had been, and still was, terribly suffering, not only from diseases, but additionally from the effects of the means used to drive out of the Organism an imaginary disease, causing and sustaining something -- today an acidity, tomorrow an alkalinity, an imaginary impurity -- this fact became patent to every observing physician. We learn that the fault was with the system-concocting physician, who imagined he was able to create a hypothesis upon the inner obscure process of life and the invisible origin of diseases in the invisible interior of the human economy, with his various attempts at explaining the phenomena of diseases, or their proximate cause ever hidden from human scrutiny. We find here three distinct propositions:—
1. The inner process of life is not known to us; it was, and will for ever remain, a hypothesis.
2. The origin of diseases in the invisible interior of the human economy is not known to us; it was, and will for ever remain, a hypothesis.
3. The phenomena of diseases, or their proximate cause (prima causa morbi), is not known to us; it was, and will for ever remain, a hypothesis.
The best proof of the unreliability of any one of these hypotheses, on which the fallacious and detrimental efforts to cure the sick were based, is the historical fact that every new generation offered a new hypothesis of life, and of the origin and the phenomena of diseases. That which to us never can be revealed, the interior processes of life in health and in sickness, became an ever-varying hypothesis; but the sick, treated to the delusive idle talk of men who desired to appear full of learning, were not only not benefited, but became victims to these varying hypotheses, guiding the physicians in their therapeutics and attempts to cure. Having stated, in explanation, these prevailing follies, the duty and the calling of the true physician became apparent. His calling, we are told, is to restore health to the sick.
[A von Lippe, The Organon, 1877, pp.21-21]

The above is an excerpt from one of our homeopathic mentors. It echoes Hahnemann's wisdom and true understanding of health and the restoration there of. Most humans prefer the manipulations and showmanship of modern razzmatazz. The world suffers consequence...

Four  years into one of the cruelest experiment ever unleashed on humanity, COVID 19 - many are learning a harsh and life altering reality. The shot was not "safe nor effective".

Many doctors who believed the "science" and took the shot now suffer consequence. They now bravely speak out. 

Yale has an un-yet published article that is under peer review. The article admits "vaccine syndrome", seems vaccine damage would imply causation - modern word games. Vaccine manufactures have immunity from lawsuits, this should have been humanities first clue.  Dr. Mobeen Syed reviews the article and adds his hard won experience.

Dr. John Cambell, a well seasoned doc from the UK reviews a host of info released by the W.H.O.  and C.D.C., as he is allowed to comment on - another clue. His reviews of autopsies post vaccine are particularly interesting, though galling. He explores "excess deaths", particularly in those 40 years and under post shot.

Reading the sad comments of those vaccine damaged on both these sites gives insight as to how deep this goes. Many are medical professionals that suffered damage.

 The FFA has lowered health standards for pilots, so many have heart issues now. They are also looking into having only 1 pilot, the shortage of able-bodied post vax. Doesn't make one feel so safe when sky bound.

The personnel discharged from the armed services for not taking the shot are now being sent letters to re-enlist. Healthy workers are and will be hard to find...  So much has health diminished post experimental shot. We still don't know the full force of this experiment and we are only 3 years into it. 

Many of us speaking out about this shot were called heretics for our voicing our concerns. Homeopaths have noted vaccine damage from the first small pox shot (1796). Vaccine damage is nothing new, but this jab brought damage to a new level. Jabs imprint a new disease state onto an individual. Will we ever learn?

A conversation with friends as this whole mess was first rolling out in 2020 had those leaning towards the shot wondering - why would they give the shot to those on the front lines in hospitals if it wasn't safe? I told them there was precedence, when the polio vaccine was first tested on doctors and nurses in a Los Angeles hospital. They came down with serious, vaccine induced illness. At least back then the creators of such damage took responsibility and compensated the doctors and nurses that could no longer work. This is no longer the case. Judy Mikovits's book "Plague" goes into way more detail about this than most want to know. It's your health, it's time to know how the sausage is made. 

In Europe the first of two lawsuits are being filed. As the vaccine manufactures have immunity, lawyers are using Consumer Protection laws to gain access to compensation of those suffering death and injury after the shot. These are against AstraZeneca, which Germany, Denmark and others pulled early into the experiment, as the damage they induced was so overwhelming. The formula Pfizer tested in the trials was not the same that was shot into arms. Such is the shell game of "emergency use". Word games at the expense of your health. Time will tell how this plays out. 

Both docs cover illness such as heart issues, clotting issues, stroke, nerve and mobility issues, cancers and reactivation of cancers and more. God only knows how little ones will be affected that were made to take the shot. There is a reason vaccine studies use to take 10 years. Many other docs are speaking out, witness to egregious vaccine injury. A local doc here lost her license to practice, for telling the truth. Sickening.

Homeopaths have long heard the tales of the vaccine injured. Those damaged are often shunned and made to feel insane by conventional medical means. Humans have learned a hard lesson this round - this whale is too big to hide. 

I have found the tissue salt Kali Mur 6x potency was valuable early on as the pandemic started. As lung tissue scarred to an almost glass like complex, this tissue salt helped to dissolve the fibrin and help people breath and heal, along with indicated remedies. This tissue salt is invaluable again, this time in dissolving fibrin in those plagued with clots post vaccination, along with constitutional treatment. Something for homeopaths to keep in mind. 

The industrial food complex, industrial pharma complex and industrial war complex are making tons of blood money via the most immense holocaust ever; many felt forced to sign up for this. One is left speechless at the madness humans perpetuate. No other being on earth squanders such resources killing each other. There should be no need to torture animals for experimentation, not with what was done in this vile experiment.

A colleague Dr. Hillary wrote and interesting explanation of how this mRNA technology works. Its roots sprouting mutilations Genetically Modified Foods evoked in undermining health. I can forward her works to those interested. Just shoot me an email and I will forward her presentation. 

The following blog "Enough" as well as the blog titled "Dedicated to those suffering from Vaccinosis" has more details that homeopaths encounter with vaccine damage, for those interested, it has links to earlier blogs that cover more info. Again, not easy reads, but as Hahnemann warned us Aude Sapere - Darn to be Wise...


  The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either... Ado...