Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lilac Medicine

Lilac Medicine

A fragrant, mild cleansing scent. A helpful plant to ease modern burdens.


Placing Lilac flowers in a glass bowl with spring water to soak in sunshine, creates a most magnificent flower essence. It is then set with a fixative.

Gentle and effective, the positive effect of this essence brings a "deep wellspring of memory that rejuvenates the soul; neurological regeneration through stimulation of memory forces that connect the soul with joy and life meaning."
Lilac flower essence eases patterns of imbalance such as "Soul amnesia - inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of soul, especially in early childhood; sadness and depression or sense of burden due to a feelings of isolation, alienation or abandonment; reduced sensory experience as the precursor of brain disease or dysfunction."

Certainly a flower essence of great value in these times.

When dried, a meditational  process of separating blossom from stem yields fragrant tiny petals of healing. I seep the petals in heated water that is just shy of a boil. I think boiling water would be too harsh for the delicate easing of trauma this blessed plant can bring.

After the first sip, I feel a deeper relaxation and stability than that of Avena Sativa. One feels cleared of old dross, thinking is calm, deliberate and orderly. The ease of the first morning cup follows one the rest of the day. 

Leaves are bitter and can be used as many trees/shrubs for the healing of malaria-like illness. 

What a lovely plant, no wonder my mother loved this heaven shrub so!


Dedicated to Those suffering From Vaccinosis

 "Who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?" Chico Marx once said in the old movie "Duck Soup."

I think of this line often these days. The public being told so many contradictions. As one scrolls through social media, you see story after story of those that have been "never well since" this new experimental shot, even as it is touted "safe and effective". The censorship now rampant in America is unconscionable. 

We homeopaths get many cases modern medicine knows not what to do with. These days the norm is undoing medical induced damage (Iatrogenic). This can come from medications, botched procedures - pre-pandemic this was the 3rd leading cause of death in the US. Many believe these numbers were under-reported due to the fact that many in the medical field would lose position if the true numbers were reported. 

Vaccinosis was first named by Dr. James Compton Burnett in 1884. He noted in those inoculated with small pox, patterns of illness he termed "vaccinosis". This included in his time, neuralgias, morbid skin disorders, indigestion, constipation, warts and growths of many kinds. He found homeopathic remedies that brought great relief to those suffering this new imprinted illness pattern. 

Vaccinosis can have different expressions. This is a distilled description, but if the vital force is strong, it will carry on just fine - disease or not, vaccine or not. Such vital forces are rare as most are now chronically ill, so has our vital force weakened with modern life. This being the case, the original disease state may prevail over the induced vaccinated state. Or thirdly, a new disease state is imprinted onto a being via the jab - these are some of the toughest to deal with. The layers of insult deep seated and chronic.

Modern signs of vaccinosis may appear suddenly, death, seizures, fevers, breathing problems, headaches, digestive issues, to name a few. Other more long term chronic issues can be neurological, kidney damage, chronic digestive disorders and more. This new shot broadened the range of induced illness and seems to introduce a great deal of clotting issues and myocarditis to be added to the list. 

Vaccine damage has been rampant with our animal companions for decades. They live shorter lives and a life long comparison of pets inoculated verses those free of inoculation shows a dramatic difference in health. Teeth remain stronger and free of dental disease, skin, coat issues rarely arise, chronic debilitating illness is reduced as well as reduced endocrine issues. Many holistic veterinarians greatly reduce the vaccine schedule for animals chronically ill with skin, digestive, endocrine issues and more. Or eliminate the jabs completely.

The way vaccinated vs. unvaccinated are being pitted against each other is atrocious. This piece isn't about swaying opinions one way or another. If you truly believe in your medicine, then do what you must. That is faith and fate.  A key point here for consideration is - a condition with a less than 1% death rate - is it moral to take a life altering shot?  This is a very coerced and bribed experiment. Additionally, viral load should be tested for and more concrete, not fragments as the PCR tests for. 

This is not like vaccines of old, it is a whole new technology that people are not being fully made aware of the complete implications of what this experiment will do to humanity as per the Nuremburg Code. Due to the rush process and "emergency use" status - the long term effects will be suffered. 

Old school vaccines were incubated in live animal tissues, the animals did not live long and there was no real way to separate animal tissues from that meant for humans. This direct path of injection bypasses the wisdom and how the body was designed to perceive pathogens. The immune system will detect pathogens via the skin, sinuses, mouth etc. A direct injection sucker punches and by-passes nature's wisdom. There are many researchers that have warned of major illness being introduced with these old school vaccines introducing animal tissue via direct shot into humans. These brave folks are often ridiculed or silenced. 

This new technology, which really cannot be called a vaccine as we knew them to be, takes a fragment of this virus. Many researchers know a fragment is more dangerous than the whole virus, as what it will do within our cells is a vast area of unknown consequence. This is a very large scale and cruel experiment. 

When the creator of this mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone vented his concerns on his Linked-in page and was censored by the government, as many that voice concerns are, one has to ask why? Why would true science not want to hear the concerns of the person that created this technology? One can state that the government does more to perpetuate vaccine hesitancy with its censorship. It speaks volumes. 

Others believe this jab, like old school shots contain the heavy metal preservatives found in vax of old. This is not the case here. There are "proprietary ingredients" that need not be listed, as this was approved under "emergency use" circumstance. These are proving to be much more egregious than the ingredients of old. Why on earth can kids procure drugs on Facebook, human trafficking flourishes, yet mention concerns over this vax on social media and you get censored? Again, this does more to spur vaccine hesitancy. Something feels so very wrong.

Those damaged by vaccines will often be shunned by their doctors. They endure test after test with no real help. When these people come to a homeopath, they are quite ill. Induced illness. They need to be heard and taken seriously, this is true science. These products cause damage. Big Pharma hubris and denial does not change these beings' induced suffering. 

One has to realize the seeds of this pandemic were sown decades ago, with the addition of GMO/glyphosate in the food supply. This fodder confuses and deranges how the soil and the body uptake needed nutrients and how the body expels toxins. Modern biologics (meds) further distort the bodies wisdom. 

Many that come to natural healing mention when trying a "cleanse" - they got violently ill. That is because the body is no longer toxic, but putrid. Much care is taken here to restore normal function slowly and respectfully as the body can no longer function as it was intended. This new shot, we will not know the true ramifications of the damage done for years and generations to come. On many levels, this pandemic is one huge major drug interaction. Pharma covered its ass well. 

Those vaxxed will shed this "spike protein." This is known by many researchers to be the root of the "variants". Animal studies with this technology have shown less than stellar results as time goes on. To mandate and coerce the public, indeed the world, to take this shot is not science in the least. It stresses and destroys the very fiber that knits humanity. This is a crime of epic proportion. Yet say a word and you get labeled as some sort of heretic. 

This piece is written for the grandparents that got the shot, to hold their grandbabies - only to have their arms paralyzed. It is written for the ladies that got the shot and bled profusely for weeks, as the body does its best to rid itself of the toxic spike protein. It is written for the ones with blood clots, the young vibrant, healthy men that died of myocarditis and more, along with all the fears this experiment brings to bear. In many cases homeopathy helps greatly. 

Decent living conditions and healthful food are the basis for real health, yet rarely mentioned. You cannot poison a body and expect a shot to cure disrespectful life conditions. There are so many variables here that are not known and should not be forced on to any living being. Saying no is the masses birthright to the greed driven. 

Those that callously claim the unvaccinated put our fellow human beings at risk should refrain from such blame. The gaslighting of blaming the unvaccinated for a product that falls short of expectation is a testimony to the extent that most live in abusive relationships. If one does not possess the tools to undo such damage, please refrain from shaming others to get the jab. Humanity really needs to grow up - if this is the best we can do. 

From the beginning, we were told the shot would lessen symptoms. The rest is up in the air - we were never told it would stop transmission. How many have taken the jab in a rush to get back to normal - only to have their business establishments still shut down, because the plan is flawed. With our own eyes we are seeing death after the jab, blood clots, neurological issues, myocarditis - this is why many will not take the jab - the benefits are not out weighing the risks. The goal post keeps getting moved. 

At first 70% vaccinated was the goal, now 80% - when will the diabolical controllers be satiated? And at what cost to the public? The goal post keeps getting moved, this will never be "normal". The ones contriving the puppet strings have been in power too long, ailed too many and got away with it, all while the economy, life and "freedom" as we knew it crumbles. 

Companies with 100 or more employees are made to take the jab. The vaccine manufactures still have immunity from being sued if the product causes harm - but companies must pay time off for employees to get the jab and for sick pay if the jab causes illness to the employee. Really??? Hasn't this monopoly gotten away with too much already? If this doesn't speak volumes, I don't know what will. 

Last years pause caused many doctors and nurses with years of experience to leave life long profession's. They could not bear to see what "medicine" turned into. The new fast-tracked doctors and nurses, while well intended, simply do not have the experience to tackle this new world. Many patient's now are leery of medical visits let alone hospital stays - trust has been eroded. Forcing an experimental shot to simply procure medical care takes an axe to the base of the Hippocratic oath. 

Humanity finds itself at a pivotal point in history. As in prior genocides, there is an addicted denial the ones in power depend on. The conquer and divide that pits the masses against each other. I do wish humans would mature and out grow this insidious cycle. Its boring, the cost has been too high and not worth it for centuries, yet we seem compelled by the deep, driving mechanism of the leutic miasm and its destructive nature, dependent on the inability to self advocate of the cancer miasm. So here we are, stuck. My earnest wish is to mature past this people, sober up, do not let your body be an experiment to rush back to a proposed normal that isn't. You are being duped. 

My parents were deeply damaged by the deception endured in WWII - this pales their experience by sheer coerciveness and fear mongering of the masses. There is really nothing more to say.  This ball of wax is going to do what it needs to do.  As always, I will trust Nature. 

 Related reading:

WindWalker Way: What Everyone Should Know About GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Its Not the Bug (

The Pause, The Bug and Healing. (

Insanity (

Creating Cancer – Creativity Killed by the Cancer Miasm 




  The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either... Ado...