Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lilac Medicine

Lilac Medicine

A fragrant, mild cleansing scent. A helpful plant to ease modern burdens.


Placing Lilac flowers in a glass bowl with spring water to soak in sunshine, creates a most magnificent flower essence. It is then set with a fixative.

Gentle and effective, the positive effect of this essence brings a "deep wellspring of memory that rejuvenates the soul; neurological regeneration through stimulation of memory forces that connect the soul with joy and life meaning."
Lilac flower essence eases patterns of imbalance such as "Soul amnesia - inability to integrate or be nourished by past experiences of soul, especially in early childhood; sadness and depression or sense of burden due to a feelings of isolation, alienation or abandonment; reduced sensory experience as the precursor of brain disease or dysfunction."

Certainly a flower essence of great value in these times.

When dried, a meditational  process of separating blossom from stem yields fragrant tiny petals of healing. I seep the petals in heated water that is just shy of a boil. I think boiling water would be too harsh for the delicate easing of trauma this blessed plant can bring.

After the first sip, I feel a deeper relaxation and stability than that of Avena Sativa. One feels cleared of old dross, thinking is calm, deliberate and orderly. The ease of the first morning cup follows one the rest of the day. 

Leaves are bitter and can be used as many trees/shrubs for the healing of malaria-like illness. 

What a lovely plant, no wonder my mother loved this heaven shrub so!



  1. Hi Renate, I enjoyed your piece on Lilac Medicine. I have 2 lilac bushes in my back yard and my memories of lilacs go back to when I was a toddler and my grandmother would lift me up to sniff the flowers in her back yard. When I got older, my sister and I would play hide and seek among Gram's lilac bushes. Being little and standing inside the hollow of the branches, beneath and surrounded by those florals, I was aware of feeling so different- very special, protected and magical. One time a young friend showed us how to pluck a lilac flower and to place one in our mouths to taste. The stem of it was so sweet! That was an exciting discovery that I've not forgotten. I dry my rose petals and made teas from them, but I never thought of doing that with my lilacs! Thanks for the great idea Renate. I'm looking forward to lilac tea next year.

    1. What wonderful memories of lilacs JJ, thanks for sharing. YOU WILL LOVE THE TEA :) Enjoy dear friend!



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