Saturday, April 16, 2022

Bullocks Oriole

 Gene went for a walk with Duane last Sunday, Palm Sunday.

He soon came back in with a little friend.

Socked and ailing, flailing in the middle of the road.

A small, but oh so colorful Oriole.

I fetched the temporary cage, gave a drop of Aconite 30c and a bit of Bach Flower Essence Rescue Remedy.

A small bowl of water and seed. Infrared lights to restore and heal.

Half an hour later, as I checked on our friend, I was met with angry chirps and fluttering from side to side inside the small cage.

I thought perhaps, he would stay overnight to recover - half an hour later, Gene and I set the cage out front, I gave a drop of Arn. 200c - prophylactic. Opened the top of cage and our little friend rocketed upwards into the beautiful blue sky.

What a sight! Gene and I hugged and danced in the front the yard, so pleased our little friend recovered as vibrant as the colors he sported. 

I so love vital force of the wild!

1 comment:


  The following info is not an easy read, but sticking our heads in the sand or chemical management hasn't helped humanity either... Ado...